Examining Cross Disease Insights into Advanced Biomarker Strategies for Antifibrotic Drug Development

Time: 1:05 pm
day: Pre-Conference Day


This interactive workshop offers exclusive insights from experts across various fields including renal, hepatic, cardiac, pulmonary, scleroderma, gastrointestinal and cross[1]fibrosis diseases. Addressing the most critical biomarker challenges facing antifibrotic drug developers from ensuring biomarkers are specific, sensitive, and validated across different patient populations and disease stages to non-invasive markers of progression and therapeutic efficacy. Capitalize on your opportunity to ask your pressing questions to seasoned experts.


  • Innovative methodologies for identifying and validating biomarkers that reflect disease subtypes, predict disease progression, and stratify patient populations
  • Discuss the integration of multi-omics data, imaging modalities, and digital health technologies to develop robust diagnostic tools for early detection and monitoring of treatment response
  • Investigate proteins and markers released by fibroblasts and neighbouring cells as surrogate markers to overcome the challenges posed by the lack of circulating fibroblasts
  • Explore the contributions of a cross-fibrosis consortia in providing reliable biomarkers for diverse fibrotic diseases
