Forget Fibroblasts? Examining Fibrosis as a Process & the Cell Types Beyond Fibroblasts that Play a Role in Driving Fibrosis

Time: 9:05 am
day: Pre-Conference Day


This interactive workshop provides a comprehensive understanding of fibrosis as a multifaceted process, highlighting the role of various cell types beyond fibroblasts including granulocytes, NK cells, neutrophils and beyond. By examining the contributions of different cellular players and their interactions, explore novel therapeutic targets and strategies to address fibrosis across different indications.

Delve into:

  • Understanding the dual role of macrophages in both promoting and resolving fibrosis, and the implications for therapeutic development
  • Comparing the cross talk between immune cells, epithelial cells, and different fibroblast cell populations across fibrosis indications to investigate the drivers of fibrosis for targeting
  • Uncover the cross talk between the immune system and fibrosis pathways, to uncover the significance it has in both the initiation and progression of fibrotic diseases
  • Exploring studies on wider immune cell interactions with fibrotic cells, to better understand anti-inflammatory therapies
