Deep Diving into Fibrosis Biology to Uncover Mechanism of Fibrosis Present Across Multiple Disease Indications to Uncover Cross Organ Therapeutics

Time: 4:05 pm
day: Pre-Conference Day


In this interactive workshop, delve into the molecular mechanisms driving fibrosis to identify common threads across various organs. From fundamental processes of scar formation to advanced omics technologies, this session aims to uncover shared pathways and develop cross-organ therapeutic strategies.

With coverage of:

  • Explore the latest spatial transcriptomics, spatial proteomics, and single-cell sequencing technologies to define cell types and mechanisms driving fibrotic remodelling
  • Identify and analyse common signalling pathways and pathogenic cells found across multiple fibrotic indications
  • Examine the differential weighting of pathogenic pathways to determine their importance and extent in various fibrotic diseases
  • Assess shared pathways among different fibrotic diseases to create more effective cross-organ therapeutic approaches
